Sanusi Lamido Sanusi Pays Tribute to Former Headmistress, Sr. Katherine Devane as He Visits Ardfoyle In Cork, Ireland

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi Pays Tribute to Former Headmistress, Sr. Katherine Devane as He Visits Ardfoyle In Cork, Ireland

Habeeb Ibrahim 

Former Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, has paid a heartfelt tribute to his former headmistress, Sr. Katherine Devane, who played a significant role in shaping his life.

In a visit to the OLA sisters’ Ardfoyle convent in Cork, Ireland, Sanusi reminisced about the profound impact Sr. Katherine had on him during his time at St. Anne’s Primary School in Kaduna.

“I have been planning to visit their Ardfoyle convent in Cork, since late 2021, when my headmistress Sr Katherine Devane, passed away at the ripe age of 95. I just needed to go and pay my respects to this wonderful woman who made such a profound impact on my life, to thank the OLA sisters and the SMA fathers and the Catholic church for the education I received.” – Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

Sanusi fondly remembered Sr. Katherine’s kindness, care, and compassion, which he experienced firsthand when he was ill with malaria. She went above and beyond to ensure his recovery, demonstrating the true spirit of love and humanity.

“Sr Katherine was a catholic sister who showed so much love to a Muslim boy. She showed me the kind of care and concern I would expect from a mother. I learnt from an early age that there are wonderful people in every religion.” – Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

The former Emir emphasized that Sr. Katherine’s selflessness and devotion to her students, regardless of their religious background, taught him valuable lessons about acceptance, tolerance, and the importance of building bridges between different faiths.

“No one could ever tell me all christians were bad people and only Muslims were good. No one could teach me hatred or enmity for someone simply because they were of a different faith, or stop me from loving those who love me and being kind to those who are kind to me simply because they are not Muslims.” – Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

Sanusi expressed his gratitude to the OLA sisters, SMA fathers, and the Catholic Church for the excellent education he received, which prepared him for a life of service and leadership.

“The fact that Muslim men can marry Christian women is sufficient evidence. Would one marry a woman one did not truly love? Yet we see people preaching hate and anger.” – Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

He praised Sr. Katherine for showing him that there are good people in every religion, and that one’s faith should not be a barrier to forming meaningful relationships with others.

“Sr Katherine taught- and gave- me LOVE at an early age. And in this she influenced my life, my world view, even before I went to King’s College.” – Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

Sanusi’s visit to the convent was a poignant moment, as he finally had the opportunity to pay his respects to Sr. Katherine, who passed away in 2021 at the age of 95.

“I needed to come to her grave. I have not seen her since 1972. I telephoned the convent in 2019 but could not speak to her because she was hard of hearing. When she died I was in France. But I could not go to Ireland as I needed a different visa. It took me so long because the Irish embassy insists on holding on to a passport for six weeks before the visa is issued. Very difficult if you travel a lot.” – Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

Sanusi’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that dedicated educators and mentors can have on young lives.

“A bad muslim or bad christian is just a bad person. A good muslim or good christian is a good human being. Period.” – Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

His tribute to Sr. Katherine highlights the importance of building bridges between different faiths and communities, rather than perpetuating hate and division.

“Rest in peace dear Sister.” – Sanusi Lamido Sanusi


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