Art Director, Tunji Afolayan Sues KAP Productions Over ‘Ijogbon’ Movie Contract Breach

Art Director, Tunji Afolayan Sues KAP Productions Over ‘Ijogbon’ Movie Contract Breach


Award-winning Art Director, Tunji Afolayan, has initiated a contractual dispute against KAP Productions Limited over the release of the movie “Ijogbon.”

The dispute has prompted legal action, with the law firm Osifowora and Co Legal Practitioners representing Mr. Afolayan’s interests.

The crux of the controversy revolves around a contract signed on January 11th, 2023, detailing Mr. Afolayan’s role as an Art Director and payment terms.

Despite the clarity of the agreement, Mr. Afolayan claims he never received a copy of the contract.

The conflict arose when “Ijogbon” was released on Netflix, with Tunji Afolayan’s name and role omitted from the credits.

Instead, Kunle Afolayan was mistakenly credited as the Art Director, and Mr. Tunji Afolayan was listed as a “Set Designer.”

Mr. Afolayan argues that KAP Productions Limited has violated their contractual agreement.

Legal action has been taken to rectify the situation, potentially leading to credit corrections, compensation, and other appropriate remedies.

Tunji Afolayan, a respected figure, and AMVCA winner, stresses the importance of upholding contractual agreements and seeking justice. 

The letter reads,

“Our client stated  that the executed copies of the contractual documents were kept by the management of KAP Productions Limited and his copy was never given to him to date after signing

“Upon completion of the project ‘Ijogbon’, the movie was released on Netflix- a streaming platform, and to our Client’s consternation, there was an omission of his name and title as Art Director for the movie ‘Ijogbon’,

“Our client is appalled at this grave omission and therefore regards this as a breach of contractual terms in the contract with KAP Productions Limited. This is further viewed and taken, as a deliberate attempt to undermine our client’s creative work and relevance for the movie titled ‘Ijogbon’.

“Given the above, our client demands that his name and role for which he was contracted and worked, be restored and properly credited in the Movie ‘Ijogbon’ as the Art Director,” Osifowora wrote.



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