American college students Donate money to Security Guard to Visit Family in Nigeria

American college students Donate money to Security Guard to Visit Family in Nigeria

American college students Donate money to Security Guard to Visit Family in Nigeria

Ghazali Ibrahim

Students at Providence College, United States joined hands together to raise funds to send their security guard, who has been longing to visit his family in Nigeria, on a holiday trip.

The heartwarming gesture was spearheaded by a student named Brandon, who was moved by the security guard’s desire to reunite with his loved ones in Nigeria, in recognition of the sacrifices
and dedication of their security guard.

In a video posted on Facebook Jennifer Chroma Owolabi on Sunday, the security guard, identified as James, was visibly overwhelmed with gratitude when he learned of the students’ generous gesture. He went down on his knees to express his heartfelt thanks to the students for their kindness and generosity.

“guys, how do I deserve this. What I’m trying to do is do the right thing and make sure I’m doing good by you guys. But this is unexpected, you know I don’t know how much I can thank you guys.

“I don’t know how much I can thank you by praying from the bottom of my heart. God will continue to protect you guys and make sure you achieve your goals”, he added.


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