8 useful tips to prepare for Ramadan

8 useful tips to prepare for Ramadan

8 useful tips to prepare for Ramadan

Ghazali Ibrahim

The Muslims all over the world are in preparation to embark on a journey of spiritual renewal, self-reflection, and devotion in the Islamic month of Ramadan. This holy month is marked by fasting from dawn till dusk, prayer, and acts of charity, all aimed at deepening one’s connection with Allah and fostering a sense of community.

To make an effective and rewarding use of this month, it is essential to approach Ramadan with mindfulness, preparation, and intentionality.

In this article, BlackBox Nigeria brings you Eight tips to prepare for the holy month of Ramadan:

1. Focus on fulfilling spiritual obligations such as completing the Qur’an and engaging in acts of kindness. Utilize a checklist to stay organized and track your progress.

2. Increase your water intake to at least 3 liters between Iftar and Suhoor to prevent dehydration. Incorporate hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumber, celery, and tomatoes into your meals.

3. Plan and organize your ingredients ahead of time for both sahur and iftar meals. This will streamline the cooking process and reduce stress during meal times.

4. Recognize when you need to rest and allow yourself to take breaks throughout the day. Consider going for short walks to rejuvenate and boost your energy levels.

5. Ensure you get sufficient restorative sleep to maintain energy levels throughout the month. Adequate sleep will support your ability to fulfill daily religious duties and responsibilities.

6. Adopt healthy eating habits, engage in regular exercise, and prioritize skincare during Ramadan. Taking care of your overall health will contribute to a more fulfilling fasting experience.

7. Limit external distractions, particularly during working hours, by managing your schedule effectively. Consider leaving work early to alleviate stress and ensure ample time for meal preparation and prayer.

8. Focus on consuming nutritious and wholesome foods during iftar and sahur to sustain energy levels throughout the day. Incorporate a variety of food groups and prioritize balanced meals.


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