Unilorin Offers Condolences to Grieving Parents Over Student’s Tragic Suicide Due to N500,000 Scam

Unilorin Offers Condolences to Grieving Parents Over Student’s Tragic Suicide Due to N500,000 Scam

Latiifah Amusan


The University of Ilorin is reeling from the shocking loss of one of its promising students, Miss Hameedat Sanni, who allegedly took her own life due to financial pressures.

The university’s management expressed its deepest condolences and shared their sorrow in a statement released on Wednesday.

Describing Hameedat’s untimely passing as “the most horrible way to die,” the university’s Director of Corporate Affairs, Mr. Kunle Akogun, voiced the institution’s sadness.

“Especially for a promising young lady who had every opportunity before her to make it big in life,” he added.

The university’s management extended their heartfelt sympathy to Hameedat’s family, including her parents, siblings, friends, and colleagues, and prayed that they find the strength to cope with their loss.

Amidst the grief, the university administration used this tragic incident as an opportunity to offer valuable advice to their students.

They urged caution in the company students keep, emphasizing the importance of being vigilant to avoid falling into the traps set by scammers.

“The University of Ilorin is reputed to be a bastion of moral and academic education,” they stated. “We are surprised that any of our students, upon all the moral and academic instructions inculcated in them, could have associated with such an undesirable element of a supposed boyfriend, and even went ahead to take the extreme step of taking her own life,” the management lamented.

The 20-year-old Sanni’s unfortunate ordeal began when she lent a substantial sum of N500,000 to a person she met on the social media platform, Snapchat.

Her participation in her SIWES program and her financial difficulties made her susceptible to the pressures exerted by these online connections, who were demanding fast repayment.

The situation was further complicated by her brother’s inability to provide the financial support she needed, which ultimately led to her state of depression.



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