The Valley of Death: Realigning and Reconnecting the Dislocations

The Valley of Death: Realigning and Reconnecting the Dislocations

The Valley of Death is a term used to describe the gap between academic research and commercialization. It’s an apt description of the challenges that universities and the industry face when trying to translate research into viable products and services. Bridging this gap is essential for driving economic growth, creating jobs, and improving the quality of life for all. In this article, I explored how universities can connect with the industry to navigate the Valley of Death.

The Disconnect between University and Industry

The disconnect between university research and industry has long been recognized as a significant barrier to innovation. Universities tend to focus on fundamental research, which may not have immediate commercial applications. On the other hand, the industry is concerned with practical solutions that can be commercialized quickly. This difference in focus can result in a mismatch between the research outputs of universities and the needs of the industry.

The Valley of Death is the gap between these two worlds. It’s where promising research goes to die, as universities struggle to translate their discoveries into commercial products or services. In the absence of a robust industry-academic partnership, research often fails to make the transition from the lab to the market, leaving potential innovations unrealized.

Realizing the Potential of University Research

To navigate the Valley of Death, universities must build stronger industry partnerships. This means developing a more collaborative approach to research, one that focuses on the needs of industry while still maintaining the academic rigourof university research.

The first step is to establish closer ties between researchers and industry partners. Universities should actively seek out industry partnerships and collaborations, identifying areas of mutual interest and developing joint research programs. This will help align universities’ research objectives with industry needs, creating a more collaborative and productive research ecosystem.

Another key factor is the need for greater commercialization expertise within universities. While academics are experts in their field, they may not have the skills or knowledge to commercialize their research effectively. Universities can address this by creating dedicated technology transfer offices, which can provide researchers with the expertise and support they need to translate their research into viable commercial products.

In addition, universities need to develop a culture that encourages entrepreneurship and innovation. This can be achieved by providing incentives for researchers to pursue commercialization opportunities, such as offering funding or access to commercialization resources. By nurturing a culture of innovation, universities can encourage their researchers to think creatively and pursue commercial opportunities that may have previously been overlooked.

Realigning and Reconnecting the Dislocations

The Valley of Death is not an insurmountable obstacle, but it requires a concerted effort from both universities and industry to bridge the gap. By working together, universities and the industry can create a more productive research ecosystem that can better translate research into commercial products and services.

To achieve this, universities need to be proactive in seeking out industry partnerships, developing commercialization expertise, and nurturing a culture of innovation. By doing so, they can help to realign and reconnect the dislocations that exist between academia and industry, driving economic growth and creating new opportunities for innovation.

Role of the Industry in Bridging the Valley of Death

Companies can partner with universities to identify research opportunities and provide funding and expertise to support the development of new technologies. They can also work with universities to create pathways for technology transfer, ensuring that promising research is developed into commercial products and services.

In addition, the industry can provide valuable feedback to universities on the commercial viability of their research. By collaborating with industry partners, researchers can gain a better understanding of the market for their technologies, identifying potential challenges and opportunities for commercialization.

Finally, the industry can help to create an entrepreneurial culture within universities, by providing support for startupsand spin-offs. This can include funding, mentoring, and access to resources such as incubators and accelerators. By supporting university startups, the industry can help to drive innovation and create new opportunities for commercialization.


The Valley of Death is a significant challenge facing universities and industry, but it is not an insurmountable one. By working together, universities and the industry can create a more productive research ecosystem that can better translate research into commercial products and services. To do so, universities need to build stronger partnerships with industry, develop commercialization expertise, and nurture a culture of innovation. At the same time, the industry needs to provide funding, expertise, and support for technology transfer, while also creating an entrepreneurial culture within universities. By working together, universities and industry can bridge the Valley of Death and create a more prosperous future for all.

Rasheed Azeez (PhD)

I deliberately completed my postdoctoral training with a multinational organization and contributed significantly to the organization’s bottom line.


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