Four Decades Short of Three: Far From Home For A Reason By Sulaimon Mojeed-Sanni

Four Decades Short of Three: Far From Home For A Reason By Sulaimon Mojeed-Sanni


Dear Self,

As I sit here reflecting on the past year, I wonder about the pacing of the lunar calendar, waving vigorously to unclaimable days gone while stretching itself to catch on tomorrow. Even though I share the sentiments of every man being the architect of his future, what says do we sincerely have in days we cannot determine how it breaks?

I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the many blessings that have come my way. Despite the challenges that we have all faced, I am reminded of the many people who have shown kindness, compassion, and resilience in the face of adversity.

Every day is shrouded in uncertainty, we move in blind obscurity seeking a better life. I couldn’t have been more grateful for the barrage of messages to herald my stepping foot in transition without knowing how many more steps are left. The last year had come so fast, again, I got in transit for the Golden Fleece, the greener pasture in the snowy land and couldn’t have happened without the beautiful people I am blessed with.

It had been one whole year of planning but the accomplishment cannot be any short of grace. Again, I saw the direct manifestation of the goodness of humanity and the unbridled bond of family. Many times, we underestimate the strength of little wins but I am not the type who covers grace. I thank people across all strata who have extended hands of support to me as I transition far from home. My family has been an amazing pillar of support, standing strong when it mattered most. I thank my Bosses and friends who deemed it worthy to invest their widow’s mite in my travelling to the United Kingdom.

Living far from home has been both a blessing and a challenge. Though I miss some families and friends, I am grateful for the opportunity to explore new cultures, meet new people, and learn new things. It has been a journey of self-discovery, and I am proud of the person ahead of me to become.

One of the most important lessons that I have learned is the importance of perseverance. Life is not always easy, and there will be times when we face setbacks and obstacles. But it is during these moments that we must dig deep and find the strength to carry on. It is in these moments that we grow and become stronger.

I want to encourage you to never give up on your dreams, to persevere in the face of adversity, and to always be grateful for the many blessings that life has bestowed upon you. Remember to always be kind, to show compassion, and to spread love wherever you go.

As I celebrate my 37th birthday, I am reminded of the many things that I am grateful for. I am grateful for my health, for the love of my family and friends, for the opportunities that have come my way, and for the lessons that I have learned along the way.

As the days grow here, and I try vehemently to find my footing, I pray for the grace to be able to repay your gestures by helping others, I know it won’t come easy, nothing ever those really, we just have to spin from the little we have. 

Looking ahead, I know that there will be more challenges and opportunities to come. But with each passing day, I am growing stronger and more resilient. I am learning to embrace the unknown and to trust that everything will work out in the end.

I thank everyone who has sent their wishes in whatever form in celebrating my 37th birthday, truly and surely, I am getting old. I thank my wife, Mujidah Mojeed-Sanni for her perseverance, for almost half of the year I was AWOL but she  held on and nurtured the house. 

I am grateful for the many people who have supported me on this journey. My family, friends, and colleagues have been my rock, and I cannot thank them enough for their unwavering support. I am grateful. Sincerely, I am.


Be Safe.

Sulaimon Mojeed-Sanni


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