Nigerian Wig-Maker Achieves Guinness World Record for Longest Handmade Wig

Nigerian Wig-Maker Achieves Guinness World Record for Longest Handmade Wig

Mohammed Taoheed 

Helen Williams, a talented wigmaker based in Lagos State, has made history by securing a coveted spot in the Guinness World Records for crafting the longest handmade wig. The announcement was officially made on Tuesday through the Guinness World Records’ official handle.

Helen’s remarkable creation measures an impressive 351.28 meters (1,152 ft 5 in). The process of achieving this feat required an intensive effort over 11 days, employing 1,000 bundles of hair, 12 cans of hair spray, 35 tubes of hair glue, and 6,250 hair clips. Helen’s dedication and meticulous work are evident in the intricate details of her masterpiece.

With eight years of experience as a wigmaker, Helen highlighted that her extensive background greatly contributed to the success of this project. She revealed that she typically produces between 50 and 300 wigs per week, showcasing her expertise in the field.

Reflecting on the challenges faced during the record-breaking attempt, Helen shared, “Finding the materials to make the longest wig was not an easy task. My experience as a wigmaker helped a lot. I have trained hundreds of students and have made thousands of wigs.”

While the endeavor was undoubtedly demanding, Helen’s determination to set a new record, coupled with the unwavering support from friends and family, fueled her journey.

Helen now proudly displays her record-setting wig in her office, welcoming visitors who admire her exceptional creation. She recounted that one of the initial challenges was finding a suitable space to lay out the lengthy wig for accurate measurement. After exploring various venues, she settled on an area along the Lagos–Abeokuta Expressway, a substantial road connecting the cities of Lagos and Abeokuta.

Achieving this extraordinary feat came at a cost, with Helen investing over N2 million in realizing her ambitious dream. Her achievement stands as a testament to her skill, dedication, and passion for the art of wig-making.


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