JUST IN: NLC Halts Two-Day Nationwide Protest, Says Demands Have Been Met

JUST IN: NLC Halts Two-Day Nationwide Protest, Says Demands Have Been Met

Fawaz Adebisi 

The Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, has called off its scheduled two-day nationwide protest against the economic challenges in the country.

According to DailyTrust, this decision was made on Tuesday, following an intense deliberation during its National Executive Council meeting.

After the meeting, the union formally announced the suspension of the protest, asserting that the initial objectives had been satisfactorily realized on the inaugural day of the action.

Recall that NLC president, Joe Ajaero, announced a two-day nationwide protest over the harsh economic realities facing most Nigerian workers since the removal of petrol subsidy.

Therefore, at the protest in Abuja, Ajaero claimed that over 50 million Nigerians now go to bed hungry due to the high cost of food.

Having met its goals, the Congress extended its demands through a fresh 14-day ultimatum, slated to expire on March 13.

It was stressed that this ultimatum underscores the urgency for the full implementation of the October 2, 2023 agreement and additional demands outlined in the union’s missive.


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