DSS Acted In Order- Apostle Suleiman

DSS Acted In Order- Apostle Suleiman

The controversial cleric, Apostle Johnson Suleman has said the Department of State Security, DSS did no wrong in inviting him for questioning.

Suleman, the founder. Omega Fire Ministries, OFM Worldwide, while briefing journalists in Abuja on Monday said that his invitation by the DSS, was in order.

“I presume the right thing was done. They have been in touch with me to come and that is why I am in Abuja, so that I can see them,” Suleman said.

Suleman, who asked his supporters to kill Fulani herdsmen to defend themselves, said that his recent statement was based on information from a reliable source that herdsmen were coming to attack him.

He said that he stood by his statement on self defence.

“I was talking in my personal capacity on information from a reliable source that certain people in the capacity of herdsmen were coming to attack me and I told the people around me that if it happens they should defend themselves.

Suleman had told his supporters at a religious crusade recently to defend themselves if they were attacked by herdsmen.

However, as at the time of filing this report, Suleman had yet to report to the DSS office.

There was a heavy presence of Police officers and the DSS personnel with Armoured Personnel Carrier ( APC) around the services’ headquarters.

Suleman’s statement and subsequent invitation has generated mixed reactions.

Some like the Christian Association of Nigeria and Governor Ayo Fayose of Ekiti State have pledged support for him, saying he only called for self defence, while others like the Muslim Rights Concern have asked that he be investigated for inciting violence.


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