
Why you should buy an apartment near shopping malls

By Dennis Isong Buying a property is not as much as knowing where to buy the property. You can buy…

Places where real estate is booming in Lagos

By Dennis Isong Lagos has become a place where real estate is making a significant difference. The sector keeps surviving…

How to acquire and register your property title in Abuja

By Dennis Isong Acquisition of personal real estate assets/landed property in your name, indicating a welcome change from a life…

Important documents you must obtain when buying a property in Nigeria

By Dennis Isong Thomas had inherited a house from his mother which he lived in since he got married. He…

Smart moves you should know as a newbie in real estate

By Dennis Isong Lillian just graduated from the university and rather go through the rigours of finding a 9-5 job,…

7 major facilities a house for rent shouldn’t lack

By Dennis Isong House owners complain about how people donot value their property but what they fail to do is…

What you need to consider before investing in office property

By Dennis Isong Office property investment is not just an investment you can delve into without putting some factors into…

Living a purposeful life

By Oluwaseyi Tosin Olabode Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “The purpose of life is not to be happy, it is…

SEX or SEXUALITY? Ganiu Bamgbose, PhD

SEX or SEXUALITY?  Ganiu Bamgbose, PhD While it may be awkward for parents to discuss sex with their children (although…

5 mistakes landlords make on their property

By Dennis Isong Two years ago in Oyo town, Owode, to be precise, a room in one of the old…