Woman Flees After Bathing Husband With Hot Oil In River

Woman Flees After Bathing Husband With Hot Oil In River

Fawaz Adebisi

In a disturbing turn of events, Hope Nwala, a resident of Rivers State, is currently a fugitive after allegedly subjecting her husband, Ekelediri Nwankwo Nwala, to a horrifying ordeal involving scalding hot groundnut oil during a heated dispute.

This shocking incident unfolded within the confines of Okehi community, nestled in the heart of Rivers State’s Etche Local Government Area.

According to confidential sources, Mrs. Hope Nwala purportedly poured searing groundnut oil onto her slumbering spouse.

Troublingly, the Nwala couple had been grappling with escalating domestic conflicts leading up to this tragic occurrence.

The victim, Mr. Nwankwo, who is bravely battling for his life, explained that the dispute stemmed from his request for his wife’s younger sister to vacate their residence due to her indecent attire and the manner in which she had taken liberties within their matrimonial domain.

He lamented, “I had firmly requested my wife’s younger sister to leave our home due to her inappropriate behavior and the audacity to occupy my marital bed, even in my presence.

No reasonable man could endure such behavior. Regrettably, my wife adamantly opposed her sister’s eviction.”

Furthermore, Mr. Nwankwo expressed concern over an unfamiliar presence in his wife’s shop, a tall black gentleman who seemed to be more than just a casual visitor.

He recounted, “I observed my wife’s constant companionship with this enigmatic individual, seemingly unrelated to any business endeavor.

“This raised my suspicions, and I offered her younger sister two thousand naira for transportation, hoping to gain clarity on the situation.

“However, my wife reacted angrily. Later, as I retired to bed, she unleashed a horrific assault on me, dousing me in boiling groundnut oil and mercilessly attacking me with a hammer.”

While the State Police Command has yet to issue an official statement on the matter at this time, we have learned that the incident has been reported to the Okehi Divisional Police Headquarters in Etche, where further investigations are expected to shed light on this distressing incident.


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