Police Uncover Wells Filled With Diesel In Ilasa Area Of Lagos

Police Uncover Wells Filled With Diesel In Ilasa Area Of Lagos

Twelve illegally dug wells have been discovered in the Ilasa-maja area of Lagos. The wells were filled with diesel in twelve houses around Abeokuta street.

Leading his men to the densely populated area on Friday, Commissioner of Police, Fatai Owoseni described the area as a disaster waiting to happen. He conducted a round check on the houses and showed journalists on ground the wells which were supposed to be filled with water, but were filled with diesel, a situation he regarded as disaster in waiting.

He says the activities were carried out by property owners and he doubted if some of the tenants had no knowledge of what was going on in their environment. The level of arrangements they met on ground in the houses showed it was a planned business activities which most people in the area would have been aware of or have knowledge about.

Owoseni advised Nigerians to be patriotic and report all illegal activities to security agencies Addressing the residents of the area, he advised them to vacate the area pending when the wells are drained and the area certified safe. He also noted that some culprits may already be planning to wreck havoc by setting any of the houses ablaze because of their close proximity.

Some of the arrested suspects spoke to journalists at the Ilasamaja divisional police station where they are being interrogated. They all claim the sighted oil wells were usually used as a means of fetching water, they said they had no knowledge it was been used for anything of petroleum products.

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