On the journey of becoming: Lessons from the moon by Olomola Oluwaseyi

On the journey of becoming: Lessons from the moon by Olomola Oluwaseyi


Waking up to a beautiful day and looking outside the window to the beautiful early morning view, I sighted a moon––a quarter moon. It was beautiful to behold even in that size and I thought, what if it was in its full shape? Then, boom, I couldn’t sight it anymore. It has been covered by the cloud.
Then I was momentarily plunged into a reflection: Many of us are that half-moon who are products of half-baked process of becoming; many have come out when they need not to, many have been noticed when they ought to still be covered.
The cloud covered it because it wasn’t the time for it to show forth its beauty. You might not be showing forth now because God still feels you still need the cloud to cover you, you might not be showing now because God feels you still need to grow maximally to fulfil your potentials and be graciously admired.
The moon doesn’t shine bright in the early hours of the day, it does at night to bring light. Why not wait for the night; a time of shinning and showing forth, when your beauty and impact will be made know, when the cloud wouldn’t be able to cover you up? Yes, the cloud will surely come, there might be times the cloud will still overshadow the moon, but because you’re in your full strength, the cloud cannot wipe away its manifestation; rather it comes to complement the brightness of the moon.
So, would you rather prefer to shine less, when you know you can shine more?

The Moon at quarter phase is only one-tenth as bright, rather than half as bright, as at full moon (Source: Google).

From the picture above, the second moon appears like it’s fully formed, but it’s not and it came out as a 1st quarter. The next one also looks like a full one, although it isn’t. The full moon eventually appears in its full glory and then goes back again. And the cycle continues!
Life is about growth. That you come out as a full moon doesn’t mean you don’t need to go back to a quarter moon. The going back doesn’t have to be overtly visible to everyone to see. The going back is a return to your creator in the place of prayer, while re-energizing for a come-back as a full moon.
As the Yoruba adage says: “Agbo to tadi męyin, agbara lolo mu wa”.
Don’t be deceived by saying you don’t need God when you come out as a full moon, don’t be deceived by saying you can do it all alone by discarding advice from those whom you sought advice when you were just at the formation of your ‘moon life’.

REMEMBER: those who did this have not come back to their full moon season


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  • Bartholomew Helen , July 8, 2020 @ 10:20 am

    Moon never pronounced itself but the night always helped out. Which means we cannot be known execpt God Himself announced us out of the multitude.
    I found this so interesting and advising. Thanks alot for this piece.

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