Nigerian Rapper Blaqbonez Opens up on Celebrities Struggles in Nigeria

Nigerian Rapper Blaqbonez Opens up on Celebrities Struggles in Nigeria


Latiifah Amusan


Nigerian rapper Emeka Akumefule, popularly known as Blaqbonez, has revealed the harsh realities of celebrity life in Nigeria.

The ‘Like Ice Spice’ artist shared his sentiments on fame, referring to it as a “crazy punishment” during a recent episode of the Afrobeats Intelligence Podcast hosted by Joey Akan.

Blaqbonez delved into the challenges he faces as a celebrity, contrasting the experiences of “normal” people who, according to him, can enjoy wealth without the intrusive spotlight.

He lamented the inability to have “actual fun” in Nigeria due to the constant attention and scrutiny that fame brings.

Blaqbonez said,

“Fame is a punishment. Normal people can have all the money in the world and drive a way bigger car than I would drive. But in traffic, everybody will leave them and focus on me. Now, if I walk into a restaurant, everybody is on me. I can’t even do those basic things,”

The rapper highlighted the disparity between celebrities and those with greater financial means who can navigate life more freely without the burden of constant attention.

He emphasized the challenges of being in the public eye, from the inability to enjoy everyday activities to the necessity of maintaining a certain image at all times.

He added,

“I can’t even go out in Nigeria to have actual fun. I must be Blaqbonez. It feels like a crazy punishment. Other people who have way more money have a much easier life than me. I have to be hiding.”




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