PEPC Foundation to donate relief packs to voters across polling units

Photo credit: International Foundation for Electoral System


Safiu Kehinde

PEPC Foundation is set to extend kind gestures to voters during the 2023 general election as they plan to  donate refreshments across polling units.

The group made their intention known in a Press Release issued yesterday ahead of the Presidential election set to hold tomorrow.

While clearly indicating their non-partisan state towards the election, the organization revealed that the initiative tagged “Your Vote Counts” is aimed towards expressing their love and support as well as fostering the spirit of peace and prosperity in the country.

“Voting rights and the agitation for a better Nigeria are deeply interconnected. As our people are going to perform their civic responsibilities it’s more important than ever to ensure fair and equal access to the ballot box.

The project “Your Vote Counts” is the initiative of PEPC Foundation geared towards providing refreshments to our people at the polling units as we believe this is a period to express love and support, in the spirit of peace and prosperity to our dear country NIGERIA” The statement read.

Stressing further, the NGO disclosed their partnership with Election Officials across several local governments to ensure efficient distribution of the refreshment reliefs in such a way that will not disrupt electoral process.

“…we are NON-PARTISAN. we only care about the people in our community regardless of your age, ethnicity, religion, or political party you belong to” PEPC Foundation 

They emphasized on the need for the voters to exercise their civic responsibility necessary to earn the attention of their elected representatives and promote development in their community.

“…we are working directly with Electoral officers in different local governments, so as to know how the distribution of relief packs at polling units won’t disrupt the flow of the electoral process on Election Days.

“Higher voter participation has been associated with higher and more positive outcomes in communities, as well as increased attention from our elected officials and candidates for office. It simply means that the politicians have access to the voting poll of each community which means if they get more vote in your community, it will increase the chances on development and lower turn out would only mean otherwise.” The statement continued.



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