Like Ethiopian Air, Nigeria Set To Have Privately Owned National Carrier

Like Ethiopian Air, Nigeria Set To Have Privately Owned National Carrier

The Federal Government-led by President Muhammadu Buhari today revealed that plans were in place to have a national carrier before the year runs out.

This was disclosed by the Minister of State for Aviation, Hadi Sirika after the Federal Executive Council meeting which was presided over by President Buhari at the presidential villa.

He revealed that the national airline  will be private secotr driven project and will strictly be like Ethipian Airline which has no hand of Government in its activities.

He said: When we came in we were very clear on our targets and goals and what we set out to achieve and we did say that Nigeria will have a national airline. The national airline will be one that the government will have no hand in, normally it can have three percent. It will be private sector led, private sector driven.

“We are going to have a national carrier, it is on course and because it is a PPP thing it has to go through IC and C, and also has to follow all the due process. So it is time consuming but I hope very soon before the end of the year we will have a very strong viable national airline.

“For me if any airline  will have the capacity to deploy several aircraft with seamless operation, non disruptive, provide the service, go the long haul, take advantage and give other international airlines a run for their money, we don’t need to get involved, it is because there is none.”

A Learner

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