Lagos State Traffic Official Stabbed by Reckless Bus Driver

Lagos State Traffic Official Stabbed by Reckless Bus Driver

Latiifah Amusan


In a shocking incident that unfolded on Sunday, a yet-to-be-identified commercial bus driver brazenly attacked Olajide Ojukoya, an official of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA).

The unsettling event occurred as the driver attempted to evade arrest for a serious traffic offense.

According to a statement released by LASTMA, their enforcement team moved swiftly to apprehend the driver, who was operating a painted Volkswagen ‘T4’ commercial bus with the license plate LSR 966 YE.

The incident took place near the bustling Costain roundabout in Lagos.

Despite the driver’s reckless attempts to flee, the dedicated enforcement team managed to apprehend him, ultimately receiving assistance from officers of the Iponri police station.

Olajide Ojukoya, the assaulted LASTMA officer, provided insight into the terrifying encounter, revealing that the driver resorted to violence in a desperate bid to avoid capture.

To everyone’s shock, after the arrest, the bus driver inexplicably stripped himself naked, creating a spectacle and causing widespread commotion at the scene.

Authorities later discovered dangerous weapons, including a cutlass and a knife, concealed inside his commercial bus.

The Lagos State government has expressed its unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of its traffic officials.

It has vowed to swiftly prosecute the apprehended driver, sending a stern message to other recalcitrant drivers who might contemplate such acts of aggression in the future.



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