How qualified jobseeker lost employment for using the same cologne as interviewer’s ex

Leshi Adebayo


It appears seeking for a job in this part of the world now takes more than being absolutely qualified as a job seeker must have learnt in a recent encounter.

The unnamed job seeker, who according to a narration was quite qualified, lost out simply because he wore the same cologne as his interviewer’s ex boyfriend.

Now, we might seek to ignore whatever the ex did to the madam which has kept her angered in a toxic way but it appears the job seeker will never realize what happened or why he lost out on the job opportunity.

Narrating the incident on Twitter, a certain individual with username @itsViktur gave account of what happened.

In a thread on Tuesday, the tweep revealed that the rather unusual event occurred at a restaurant where he went to have his lunch and he, in the process, overhead the conversation of two women.

He wrote, “I went to FUTO to pick up some documents today. After the long day, I stopped over at Kilimanjaro to refill my Belle as man no be firewood. 5 mins into my lunch, I noticed a 2018 Honda park in front of the FF and two classy ladies in their late 30s stepped down the vehicle.

“From their outfit and the way their skin glowed, you could easily say that they are well ranked in wherever they work. They got their meal and sat very close to where I was. One had a straight, not-so-happy face (MRS A)while the other wore a great smile (MRS B).”

He went on to reveal the conversation of the two women which centered around an interview session they had earlier in the day.

“Just before they started eating, Mrs B asked Mrs A, “The first guy we interviewed today has a truckload of experience and is just the perfect fit for the opening, why did you dismiss him in less than 3 mins after guessing the name of his fragrance.

“Omoooo Mrs A gave a response I least expected. She was like “ this guy was wearing Tochukwu’s cologne and this instantly made me sick in the stomach and brought back bitter memories.

“This gave me shivers Mehn. Imagine being qualified for a gig but not been selected because you wear same cologne with your employers ex,” the surprised tweep said.

Like flies to dung, the story has received different reactions from netizens. Some of the comments are listed below:

@Obiora_ogbo said: “Moral lesson: wear women’s perfume if you’re an applicant.”

@DunswortGabriel lamented: “People are just wicked. The applicant will get something better somewhere else.”

@_betapikin opined: “Moral Lesson: Don’t wear perfume if you are going for an interview. Rub anointing oil instead.”

Meanwhile, according to the National Bureau of Statistics, at the end of 2020, unemployment rate in Nigeria stood at 33% with about 70 million able-bodied Nigerians out of work which shows a constant deterioration in the development of the country and the citizens.





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