Unveiled! Minister’s Crashed Private Jet Had No License To Fly Commercial, NCAA Indicted

Unveiled! Minister’s Crashed Private Jet Had No License To Fly Commercial, NCAA Indicted


The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has revealed that the private jet carrying the minister, which recently crashed, had no license.

The crash landing of a Hawker 800XP aircraft in Ibadan, carrying the Minister of Power, has unveiled a disturbing truth about the state of aviation in Nigeria.

The aircraft, with tail identifier 5N-AMM, was operating illegally in the country, raising questions about regulatory oversight by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA).

Operating under a Permit for Non-Commercial Flights (PNCF), the aircraft was never granted permission to conduct commercial charter flights.

This permit is typically reserved for private, non-commercial aircraft, with fewer regulatory requirements compared to a full-fledged Air Operator Certificate (AOC).

Flints Aero Service, the company responsible for the aircraft, was found to be running multiple aircraft under PNCF permission while engaging in commercial charter operations.

The situation is further exacerbated by the fact that PNCF holders are exempt from certain regulatory fees and face less stringent requirements for pilot and ground staff training and aircraft maintenance.

In a concerning twist, senior NCAA personnel, well aware of these irregularities, have been taking a share of the profits generated from these illicit commercial flight operations, thus perpetuating this unethical scheme.

In the aftermath of a near-fatal incident involving a sitting cabinet minister, it remains unclear whether he was aware of these illicit activities.

He narrowly escaped a life-threatening accident on an unauthorized commercial flight organized by his fellow “elite” associates, who were reviling to compromise safety for the sake of financial gains. 

The incident has sparked outrage and led to calls for a thorough investigation.

Many Nigerians are demanding accountability and transparency, as they question the safety and legality of air travel in the country.

This incident highlights the urgent need for reform in Nigeria’s aviation sector, as the safety and well-being of passengers, including government officials, should never be compromised in the pursuit of profit.



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