How 4 Ikoyi Inmates Die Of Electrocution Due To Negligence Of Corrupt Warden

How 4 Ikoyi Inmates Die Of Electrocution Due To Negligence Of Corrupt Warden

How 4 Ikoyi Inmates Die Of Electrocution Due To Negligence Of Corrupt Warden



Shocking news from the Ikoyi Correctional Facility has it that about 4 inmates were killed in an electrocution incident that happened in their cell.

BlackBox Nigeria gathered from a reliable source that the incident happened on Monday morning when the inmates were having their breakfast. While four of the inmates have been reportedly dead, several others were said to have sustained injuries.

An official of the facility who was present at the scene disclosed that the incident occurred in Ward B4 of the correctional facility. The official who prefers anonymity disclosed that the incident could have been avoided if the Chief Warden, Julius Abosede had taken precautions and prevented it.

In addition, the official also added that aside the electrocution, the facility is presently overcrowded with inmates and also sharp practices of the Chief Warden.

He said, “The Chief Warden was informed of the electric shocking issues before this morning that the incident occurred. He failed to do anything about it simply because he felt the inmates numbering over 130 in the cell were lying.

“Julius Abosede (chief warden) is the most corrupt person in Ikoyi prison. As a yard keeper, he is aware of the partial shocking incidents before it led to this major one that took lives. He once told the inmates to bring money for the repairs.

“The cell that the incident happened was built to take 30 inmates but currently has over 130 inmates. The prison facility was built to house 800 inmates. But the Ikoyi Correctional facility has over 3,000 inmates as we speak.”

The official further disclosed that the Comptroller of the Nigerian Correctional Service, Lagos state command, Noel Ailewon, had visited the scene of the incident.

He (Noel Ailewon) did an on-spot assessment this morning. He also talked about decongesting the highly congested situation of the prison.”

A Learner

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