Horrible Pictures Of AdHoc Staff Condition Across Nigeria As INEC Postpones Election

Horrible Pictures Of AdHoc Staff Condition Across Nigeria As INEC Postpones Election


BlackBox Nigeria reports that on the heels of the initial arrangement to hold election today, the Independent National Electoral Commission had announced that it has mobilised its ad hoc staff to all areas of the country. Never was it disclosed that members of this ad hoc team would be subjected to inhumane treatments on the eve of election.

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BlackBox Nigeria gathered that members of the INEC ad hoc team which comprise mostly of Corp Member of the National Youth Service Corps, NYSC Scheme were left high and dry as most of them had to spend the night in places not conducive for human habitation like in commercial buses and open grounds.

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Some of the pictures of these eye souring scenes are already making the rounds on social media with critics across the country blaming INEC and the Federal government for not making adequate provisions available for the electoral team.

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However, some Corp members are said to be stranded.


In similar development, popular comedian known as Woli Arole has promised to make financial aid available to stranded Corp member who reach out to him.

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Below are more pictures from scenes across the country:


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  • ashraff , February 18, 2019 @ 12:07 pm

    insane country

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