HEALTH: 4 ways to ease menstrual cramps

HEALTH: 4 ways to ease menstrual cramps

Yusuf Boluwatife




A lady’s menstrual period is arguably the most stressful time of the month for her. From the continuous cleaning and changing that need to be done, to the different bodily reactions that comes with it.

Here are four helpful tips on how to deal with menstrual cramps.

Be more hygienic

During menstrual periods, a lady needs to do more body cleaning like frequent pad changing, bathing at least twice a day or even changing of clothes. All these are necessary as it helps the body to feel refill and calm. For example, using an already soaked pad would bring discomfort and make the menstrual cramp worse while bathing will make the body refreshed. So, it is advisable to keep the body and environment clean during menstrual periods.

Drink enough water

Water has lots of health benefits, and of course can be of help to ease menstrual cramps as it reduces bloating and it will result in frequent, but not too often, urination which could help in applying a little bit of force of pushing out blood in the process.

Try massages

Getting a massage generally reduces stress, restlessness and nervousness and other things likely to be experienced by a lady on her period. Just a bit of unharmful force on that hurting spot; back, waist or even stomach will go a long way.

Micheal Wuraola, a 16-year-old girl who began her menstrual period at the age of 11 said, “Massages helps me a lot during menstrual cramps especially when it’s waist pain. I just take a bath, wear light clothes and get someone to massage my waist gently with shear butter while I lie on my chest.”

Apply heat

Although, most girls prefer taking very cold drinks to subsidize the pain. However, heat is preferable and more healthy to apply to the body, especially the stomach side during menstral cramps as this would make the eggs in the ovary break easily and faster.

For Lawal Amidah, a girl in her late 20s, she said prefers taking very cold drinks to ease her pain, “Specifically TEEM,” she added.

While 23-year-old Ayinde Bolaji said he feels applying heat is better, adding that his lover uses this method to ease her cramp, and according to him, it has been very helpful. “I think applying heat is better, my girlfriend sits on hot water and then mops her stomach with hot water when she has cramps. And before you know it, she’s asleep.”

So mop your stomach with hot water, drink hot water and generally apply heat to ease menstrual cramps.



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