Hazeemah Rahman: A Letter To My Daughter On Her 4th Birthday

Hazeemah Rahman: A Letter To My Daughter On Her 4th Birthday

Hazeemah Rahman: A Letter To My Daughter On Her 4th Birthday

Pretty Miss Hazeemah Rahman,

There are so many things I wish to tell you, so many ways I can count the ways I love you, but I’m not sure a whole lifetime will fit it all in.

You are four(4) years old today and you have an amazing life before you, to be rocked. If only getting to see it all will imply living 200 years more together then I’d make a wish… that I get to grow old with you and that you never know a day without my love. However, reality can’t be ignored so I pray daily to the Almighty that I get to see the most beautiful parts, that you never miss my love until the world begins to address you as “that old woman”.

The days are flying so fast and I wonder if when I become grey-haired and I reach for your sweet hand like we always find ourselves doing, that I will be able to accurately recall these love-filled busy days. I hope that I am able to remember you as you are today, a 4yrs old Princess, and that I am able to remind you of how you have always been adored.

My hope is that this letter and the others I have written to you over the years will be worth looking back on with admiration to visualize where you came from, how you’ve grown and how much you’ve always been loved.

I am elated to have watched you blossom into such a loving, intelligent, strong, determined, empathetic, funny little girl. You walk into a room and instantly grab everyone’s attention with your bubbly personality and charismatic sly smile. You always know what’s going on — you literally never miss a beat! You’ve got it, and you own it and that my dear is what I love most about you.

Your independence is admirable that I sometimes say loosely that you really don’t need parenting. Even from your infant days you were a complete joy to be around. You have never been demanding and you have the whole world as a gorgeous place through your eyes.

This year, you turn four and you are still in the middle of the innocence and sweetness of childhood. You are wise beyond your years. Truth be told, I am in shock that the last four years have whipped by us. It is as if the world is in fast motion. I am so proud of the child you are and I can’t wait to see what you become.

This year, my birthday wish for you, my love, is that you’re forever able to acknowledge how special you are. I hope you always feel confident enough to be you! That you never stop owning your power and that you keep dancing to the rhythm of your own beat. And I promise to remind you as many times as necessary if you ever forget.

I love you more than you’ll ever know. Your heart is a beauty, you are too; but I’ll never stop telling you that a pretty heart is better than an external beauty.

Know today that you are one of the best three decisions your Daddy and Mommy ever made. You’ve changed our lives for the better in every way and we are grateful to Allah for this front row seat to the love story of your childhood.

Much love my girl,


Idris Rahman


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