#FreeAudu: Nigerians Express Disappointment over DSS Arrest Of Choc City Boss Over #SouthernKaduna Killings

#FreeAudu: Nigerians Express Disappointment over DSS Arrest Of Choc City Boss Over #SouthernKaduna Killings

CEO of Chocolate City, Audu Maikori was picked up by operatives of the Department of State Security at his Lagos home on Friday morning. His arrest however have generated an hash tag on social media as Nigerians register their displeasure over the arrest.

It was gathered that the business mogul was arrested for an information he earlier shared about killings in Southern Kaduna.

It was revealed that the Choc City boss was immediately transported to the Abuja facility of the DSS following his arrest early Friday morning in Lagos.

The hash tag, #FreeAudu has since been trending as Nigerians demand to know if the current administration led by President Muhammadu Buhari is against the freedom of speech which was believed to have been freely expressed by Maikori.

More details shortly…

A Learner

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