Does Victor Osimeh Smoke Marijuana? Asisat Oshoala Ask Following Dramatic Fly Nodding

Does Victor Osimeh Smoke Marijuana? Asisat Oshoala Ask Following Dramatic Fly Nodding


Bay FC’s Striker and six-time African female footballer of the year, Asisat Oshoala has asked if her fellow countryman and striker for Napoli is on some smoking spree.

Asisat asked the question on her official Instagram handle following a fly Nodding, Osimeh carried out while playing for the Azzurris yesterday in their encounter with Monza.

“Se Bobo yi maan fa Igbo ni (Is this guy smoking marijuana)? 😄😄😄„,” Oshola asked as a caption to the nodding.

Osimeh scored his 12th league goal of the season 10 minutes into the second half to energise his team to a 4-2 comeback win against Monza.

Considering the dramatic flying nod that could have caused Osimeh injury if not effectively executed, Oshoala feels he must have been on some hard drug to be risking his playing career like that.


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