Dig Borehole Go To Jail, As Lagos State Set To Pass New Law

Dig Borehole Go To Jail, As Lagos State Set To Pass New Law

The Lagos State Government under the administration of Governor Akinwunmi Ambode have criminalised the drilling of bolehole in and around the State.

According to the new Environmental Law, a prison term is going to be handed to anyone found wanting.

The legislation states that every persons that intebds to drill a borehole must get proper approval from the State Government.

Though the new law that was recently passed by the State house of Assembly is said to be targetted at commercial users, but the fear of the common man in the State who struggle daily to get portable water comes into play.

The bill is yet to be signed into Law by Governor Ambode.

The Bill was passed into Law at the LAHA on February 20th after deliberations of barely two weeks. Despite the disagreements of some activists and environmentalists in the State, it still scaled through the hearing.

A Learner

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