Dear Professor Ignoramus… Yes! 2Face Is An Illiterate But #WeWillProtest With Him By Kayode Badmus

Dear Professor Ignoramus… Yes! 2Face Is An Illiterate But #WeWillProtest With Him By Kayode Badmus

Some ignorant Professors are now calling out 2Face Idibia for trying to lead a protest against this bad government we are faced with.

Apparently these Professors are comfortable with the way things are, why blame them anyway since they are treated as demi-gods in their self-righteous highoffice believing every other person not like them is ignorant.

Even though we all know he has a diploma from an institution that is highly rated but who cares if 2Face is even an illiterate.

Isn’t the current Vice President who is in charge of the Nigerian economy a Professor? Is the former President, Goodluck Jonathan not a PHD holder?

What did these people do that an illiterate wouldn’t have done better?

Who Professorship don help?

Are these not the same professors who will teach their students all the theories in the world but expect them to keep it within the walls of the classroom.

Are these not the same professors who would lecture their students revolution, guerilla warfare and all those struggles from Cuba to China yet condemn the same students if they dare protest a bad administration through unionism.

Are these not the same professors who teach fractional distillation and all those distillation techniques but still don’t believe their wards can come up with well built locally made refineries.

These are the same Professors who would not board an aircraft if they find out the engineer who services the plane was once their student.

2Face might have impregnated many women but that doesn’t cut short his sense of critical reasoning. Till date there is no single scandal that he raped or even molested anyone which brings us back to you oga Professor.

A bunch of greedy outdated folks who can’t even carry out research the modern way and will continue assigning other junior academic 60% of their lectures while pretending to be carrying out some archaic research while in the real sense they are only fighting and lobbying the government to increase their years in service.

As much as I respect those in the academic field, I also believe they are humans after all and shouldn’t be taken too seriously than they deserve.

Dear Professor foolish, I have made a check on you and what I discovered would make 2Face and even Fela  saints. I found out how you sleep with girls shamelessly and without caution. It is just that unlike 2Face you wear rubber so I can understand why you blasted him for not wearing condoms.

I have chatted with some of your Political Science students whom you slept with and other males whom you punished severely because they dare date girls you have your eyes on. I understand how you dealt with people while teaching Marxism and Political Economy in UNAD but you are now trying to form holier than thou.

Dear randy Professor, how many students did you fail because they refused to do your bidding.

The same man who came out to call 2Face names for sleeping with girls it has now been discovered is a master of this craft.

Do you know how many girls didn’t graduate from UNAD because they refused to sleep with you or had the balls to stop sleeping with you. Were you not a regular at cheap hotels and motels around Ado-Ekiti down to Ife?

An aggrieved Ex-Student under this shameless Don even told me he was once sent out of class because he dared sit beside a girl our Prof was sleeping with.

Anyone who knows anyone who studied Political Science at UNAD (EKsU) should check and confirm if these accusations are lies…

It should also be noted that the acclaimed Professor however remains a Doctor and not a Prof as it is being erroneously used following his attack on 2Face.

No tittle-tattle from you or some black faced individuals whose career hit the ground faster than Buhari’s reputation shall deter us from doing what is right even for once.

Yes 2Face is an illiterate and he is irresponsible but we shall march with him come February 5.


A Learner

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