Daughter of Former Edo State Governor, under fire on Twitter for questioning Nigeria’s democracy

Daughter of Former Edo State Governor, under fire on Twitter for questioning Nigeria’s democracy

Edwin Eriye

Daughter of former Governor of Edo State, Osasu Igbinedion, has come under fire on twitter, following her tweet were she stated Nigeria’s democracy is equivocal.

The Edo state, ex-first-daughter, on her twitter handle said: a nation where the fundamental human rights such as freedom of speech is trampled on, government critics arrested in Gestapo manner and court orders disobeyed makes democracy of that nation vague.

“My taxi driver from Columbia asked me “Is Nigeria a democratic nation? I paused to think, are we?

“A nation where fundamental human right such as free speech is trampled on, government critics arrested in Gestapo manner and court orders disobeyed”, Osasu said.

However, her Twitter followers did not share same view as they tagged her, being an Igbinedion to be corrupt and should quite complaining about the nation’s democratic state.

“Even Igbinedion’s daughter is also complaining about Nigeria when corruption flows in her blood” one Zakry Sally responded.

While responding to Osasu’s tweet, a twitter user, simply identified as Kay, said “Even if you were a toddler while your clan improvised this country, why not ask questions or make research? Well, the hornets’ nest of history you stirred will be dished out to you like a cup of tea”.


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  • Azeez , October 4, 2019 @ 5:08 am

    Her father is among the people that spoil the country maybe she does not know .

  • Israel , October 6, 2019 @ 7:43 am

    Osasu Igbinedion is right!
    She is addressing one issue and they are raising another issue. Is she her Father?

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