Cool FM Fires Controversial OAP, Daddy Freeze, Wishes Him Well

Cool FM Fires Controversial OAP, Daddy Freeze, Wishes Him Well

Steam Broadcasting and Communication Ltd, operators of Cool FM in a mail henceforth banned controversial On-Air-Personality, Ifedayo Olarinde aka Daddy Freeze access to its facility. This is coming after an earlier report that he has been sacked, a report he immediately debunked.

In the mail supposedly sent to the security officials of the company from the Human Resources department but have been made public, it was announced that he should not be allowed into the premises again, a situation that can best be described as termination of appointment.

The University of Ibadan graduate who usually make boast of his wrist-watches that costs thousands of dollars earlier on accused two online media of publishing false news about his sack at Cool FM, a threat he doubled with filing a law suit against the both of them.

He however revealed that he and the management had disagreement over presenter’s fee, a situation he said he won’t give details about due to his relationship with his boss.

See the leaked mail below…

“I trust that all is well. Please be notified that the person whose photograph appears below is no longer in the employment of Steam Broadcasting and Communications Ltd/Cool FM or any of the companies within AIM Group.

Name: Ifedayo Lucian Olarinde (Freeze)
Designation: Head, On – air personality (HOP)
Exit Date: August 26, 2016
Location: Lagos.

We wish him the best in his future endeavors

Best Regards

Oyinka Adeniyi
Acting Head, HR
For: AIM Consultants Ltd”


A Learner

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