Controversy Trails BBC’s Report On Late TB Joshua, It Is War Against Christian, Netizans Say

Controversy Trails BBC’s Report On Late TB Joshua, It Is War Against Christian, Netizans Say

Ghazali Ibrahim

On January 8, 2023, the BBC released a three-part documentary video alleging assault, torture, and murder of disciples at TB Joshua’s Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN). The documentary features the accounts of 30 former workers and members from countries including the United Kingdom, United States, Nigeria, South Africa, Namibia, and Germany.

Once celebrated as one of the most influential pastors in African history, TB Joshua faced posthumous scrutiny following the BBC’s revelations. The documentary highlights instances of alleged sexual molestation, with one victim claiming the late pastor engaged in such misconduct since she was 17 years old.

Sahara reporters, drawing from the BBC documentary, detailed an abortion scandal involving one victim. Another shocking revelation was the death of a former SCOAN disciple during the collapse of a building in Lagos, as well as the tragic stampede that claimed lives, including a middle-aged woman’s daughter.

“I heard from SCOAN after five days and they told me that they were afraid that my daughter did not make it. My daughter died in a place where I thought it was safe. Because the Bible says, ‘Bring your child in the way of the lord,’ I always made sure that my children were always in church. I did not know I was taking them to church to be killed. That part was one I was not expecting. My daughter was buried alive,” the mother of the lady who died in a stampede she said.

Despite these disturbing revelations, some netizens have expressed skepticism, labeling the claims as fallacious and questioning the timing of the investigation. Concerns were raised on the age of interviewees and the alleged lack of substantiated evidence.

Twitter users like Adeniyi Ajayi raised doubts about the credibility of the investigation, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive review of TB Joshua’s positive impacts. Others accused the BBC of corruption and questioned the motive behind the timing of the documentary.

“You interview a 21 year old lady that stayed in Synagogue for 10years. Does it mean she was 11 when she set her foot on synagogue?”, Adeniyi Ajayi asked.

Another Twitter user identified as Mayree said, “whatever agenda you have against Christianity will not stand”.

The comment with 7k impression on X questioned the credibility of BBC on the investigation revealed.

“Have you ever published how he helped people? What was the investigation not done when he was alive? There are so many things to be investigated.

“BBC is so corrupt and we don’t care about any of their investigation”, said by another X user identified as Dee.

The BBC reported that they contacted the current leadership of SCOAN, who dismissed the allegations as unfounded and unsubstantiated. The leadership did not respond to the specific details of the accusations, leaving room for continued debate on the controversial documentary.

“None of the allegations was ever substantiated,” the leadership was quoted as saying.

They did not respond to the details of the allegations, the BBC said.


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