Cement Producers Advocate for Dual Road Technologies to Offset Price Surge

Cement Producers Advocate for Dual Road Technologies to Offset Price Surge

Latiifah Amusan


In a bid to tackle the impending surge in cement prices, cement producers are proposing innovative solutions that could ease the strain on consumers and the construction industry alike.

They are calling on the government to consider road designs that allow for the coexistence of both cement technology and traditional asphalt pavement.

The statement issued by the Cement Producers Association of Nigeria highlights their findings from across the nation, revealing that during the rainy season, cement prices can soar as high as N6000 per bag.

Their predictions are even more alarming, foreseeing prices exceeding N9,000 per bag during the dry season.

These forecasts come in light of the Honourable Minister of Works’ endorsement of cement technology for road construction and the President’s directive on housing.

The Association emphasizes the need for swift government intervention, stating that failing to address the supply chain challenges now would be a dereliction of duty.

They believe that immediate action is crucial to prevent cement prices from spiraling out of control.

This price surge could not only burden the pockets of Nigerians but also lead to homelessness, disrupt supply and demand dynamics, worsen the infrastructure deficit, and result in an unprecedented price hike.



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