After 17 Years Of Darkness, Badagry Community Gets Electricity

After 17 Years Of Darkness, Badagry Community Gets Electricity

It is celebration galore for the constituents of Gbaji Seme-Border, Badagry West LCDA as they finally get electricity supply after a long period of 17 years. Yes, they last had power supply in the year, 2000.

BlackBox Nigeria gathered that the power supply is reaching the community via the First Phase of the Gbaji-Semeborder’s Electricity Project which is set to be commissioned today.

The project was carried out by the Lagos State Government-led by Governor Akinwunmi Ambode. The project was carried out after several calls were made by residents of the communities making up the Local Council Development Area.

It will be recalled that BBN had on April 10th, 2017 reported how the said project was said to be commissioned by some State Government officials even though it was yet to get to completion stage. The development led to a peaceful protest by the residents as they call the attention of Governor Ambode to the shortcoming.

Gbaji/Seme-Border Resident Reacts To Supposed Completion And Commissioning Of Power Supply Project

According to the resident who took to the social media to reveal the completion of the project, predecessors of the current Governor had made promises and assurances of carrying out the project, but they all ended their tenure without delivering.

See his full post below…

,,,Vini Vidi Vici…
…I have come, I have seen, I have conquered…
Comrade Badaru Abdul-Basit Senapon
All protocols duly and scientifically venerated. Permit me to use my gnomic lyricism to appreciate His Excellency Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode (The Executive Governor, Lagos State) over the commissioning of the first phase of Gbaji Semeborder’s electricity project having persevere and perspire an odious era of abject darkness for 17 years. Behold, the entire youth and residents of Gbaji Semeborder axis of Badagry West LCDA and Badagry as a whole will ad-infinitum remain deeply indebted to you for the total overhauling of our electricity. Many of your predecessors assured us, promised and even tried but eventually failed abysmally. We were told stories; some said it was federal government project and not within the jurisdiction of State government to embark upon. While others said the capital required to run electricity in our communities would not commensurate with the expected returns. But reverse is the case in the hand of the most upright governor in Nigeria, an egalitarian engineer who knows how to turn darkness to light, a philosopher, an astrologer, a professor who knows how to convert sadness to everlasting solace, a democrat who knows how to rule a state in tune with the contemporary standards; a true leader, altruist, who loves all and is also loved by all. He talks with action, directs with action, acts and reacts with action. No wonder he is called an ACTION GOVERNOR A+. Mr Akinwunmi Ambode, you are indeed the messiah our Lord God has sent to put smiles into the faces of over million residents of Badagry through your initiatives and intuitions. For this you have done to my community, I offer my selfless service to humanity in line with directing and mobilizing all machineries for Ambode against 2019 General elections and also use this opportunity to notify you beforehand that the youth wishes to bestow you with an award of excellence in a due time. Please accept our invitation whenever we knock at your doors
My appreciation also goes to the Lagos state executive councils, members, and every stakeholder who inadvertently one way or the other contributed towards the work-in-progress of Gbaji semeborder’s electricity. The royal majesties, community leaders, chiefs, political leaders, religious leaders, good men and women of Badagry west, I say thank you for your endurance and unflinching support.
My baronial appreciation also goes to the strongest and most reliable Gbaji Semeborder Youth Initiative (GSBYI); a youth association that acts as a vanguard through which residents communicate their grievances and melancholy to the government by calling attentions to over 32 dark communities in Lagos State that had been subjected to absolute darkness for more than 16 years. GSBYI, who under the sun and in rain sojourn Lagos State and its environs in solicit for electricity. To you all our youth, I said vini vidi vici; we have come, we have seen and we have conquered. Now we have electricity in our communities; let us take its ownership and endeavor to protect it jealously. Let us be optimistic that his excellency haven proven himself worthy of our trust will surely complete other communities that are not or partially electrified.
On a final note, I once again appreciate our governor and his ever gallant team of reasonable and young talented personalities; most especially the honourable commissioner for energy and power, for their unrelenting assiduous and conscientious research / efforts in lighting up our communities. With glamorous heart full of eternal solace, I, concomitantly with the entire strong and reasonable youth of Gbaji – Semeborder appreciate the good work of his Excellency not only in Gbaji – Semeborder axis of Badagry-West LCDA but also in Lagos State at large. Your achievement within the few years of your emergence as governor of the state has surpassed that of your predecessors. You are indeed the best governor ever produced by the state and the entire nation. We love you so much our governor and equally pledge our unflinching support for you and the national party (APC) during rainy and sunny.
However, it is my wish that our dissatisfaction over the ways and manners at which the electrification process is handled by some sets of cabal claiming to be government representatives be communicated for necessary corrective measures before the menace renders the whole effort of the state futile. These cabals richly rehabilitate their communities at the detriment of other communities. Poles and cables meant to supply equitable electricity are hitherto said to have been exhausted. Many communities amongst which are Yenawa (my own community), sito, Agbathogbothome, Aketegbo to mention but a few; and resorts such as AR-RAKHAAB are not properly electrified and are not even furnished with transformers. It will interest you to know that Gbaji – Semeborder is sub divided into two geo-political wards vis-à-vis Ward D and Ward E. The ward D comprises of the following communities: Gbaji, Aivoji, Asakpo, Boglo, Fanuvi, Yard, Bapo, Petimeh, Falola, Ozinnigbo, Kparada, Akpato, Whaingbemeh, Akoro-Kodji, Agorin beach, Thosuvi and Agonvi. While ward E comprises of the following communities: Oglogbo, Gbethrome, Ashipanu, Kenwewemeh, Azangbemeh, Agbathogbodomeh, Aketegbo, Wesere Topa, Hovemeto, Totha, Shito, Igbegbomeh, Yenawa and Pengbo. It is indeed not a fallacy to deposit here that the communities under Ward E are five times more populated than the communities under Ward D and also deliver polls for APC in the same capacity. But most of these communities were only provided with skeletal frame work of electricity leaving the beneficiaries to sourcing for money to complete the project on their own considering the unprecedented economic recession experienced in the country.
On this note, I call the governor to provide us with equitable distribution of electricity, schools, health centres and other basic amenities so that our communities may flourish and compete with other developed communities in Lagos State.
Thanks so much and God bless
Aluta Continua …
God bless Governor Ambode and Lagos State
God bless Badagry and its good people
Comrade Badaru Abdul-Basit Senapon

A Learner

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