Popular Facebook-owned chat service WhatsApp for iPhone has started receiving an important update with the release of their latest build version 2.19.20. The latest build update brings in the much awaited biometric authentication on WhatsApp for iOS.
The new update that was announced Monday February 6th 2019 now allows users to lock their WhatsApp application natively by using the Face ID or the Touch ID. The new authentication feature has been in the pipeline since October last year when the Face ID and Touch ID feature were added to the beta version of the social messaging application for the first time.
BlackBox Nigeria gathered that the new feature locks the app in a similar way that Outlook or Signal locks their app on an iPhone. The locking feature, however, does not lock individual chat threads.
WhatsApp is also slated to bring in a similar form of authentication feature on Android smartphones in the future.
With the update on the iPhone, WhatsApp users can activate the feature by going to Settings > Account > Privacy > Screen Lock. Once you are on the screen lock page, you will see options depending on your phone model. For iPhone 8 Plus or lower, only Touch ID, and for iPhone X or higher – only Face ID. Users can also choose if they want biometric authentication immediately after closing the app, or after an interval of a minute, 15 minutes, or an hour.
Information has it that, the use of biometrics to authenticate could help WhatsApp launch their payments app officially in India and other markets.