Reawakening! Nokia 3310 To Hit Mobile Stand Again

Reawakening! Nokia 3310 To Hit Mobile Stand Again

After 17 years of production, the most reliable phone ever made, Nokia 3310 is set to hit mobile stand globally as it is to be re-launched at the Mobile World Congress 2017.

The mobile phone which was produced at the beginning of the modern age of technology will be sold as a way of getting lots of battery life in a nearly indestructible body.

According to Independent UK, the new incarnation of the old 3310 will now be sold for 59 Euros. It is likely to be pitched as a reliable second phone to people who fondly remember the first time it was launched.

Evan Blass was quoted to have revealed that the mobile phone will be re-launched at the MWC scheduld to hold towards ending of February, 2017.

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