NCAA Fines First Nation N33m Over Expiration Of Chief Pilot’s Medical Certificate

NCAA Fines First Nation N33m Over Expiration Of Chief Pilot’s Medical Certificate

Apex aviation regulatory agency, the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has fined First Nation Airways and one of its pilots the amount of N32 million and N1.5 million respectively over violation of safety regulations.

NCAA made this known in an official statement signed by the General Manager, Public Relations, Sam Adurogboye which was made available to journalists yesterday.

NCAA said, “During a Ramp Inspection on your Airbus A319 Aircraft with registration mark 5N-FNE at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport (NAIA), it was discovered that the PIC was not in personal possession of a current medical certificate neither was it readily accessible.

NCAA, in a sanction letter sent to the airline, has therefore ordered the airline to pay a sum of N32million only while the Pilot-in-Command (PIC) of the Aircraft, will pay N1.5million only.

NCAA said, “In their response, the pilot admitted violating Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations (NCARs) while the airline demonstrated lack of thorough knowledge of the requirements of the regulations.

Therefore, the airline has contravened the regulations by allowing a flight crew member to be on rotation in order to operate a total of 16 scheduled flights on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th November, 2016. These operations were carried out while his medical certificate had expired since 1st of November, 2016, thereby rendering his pilot licence subsequently invalid from that date.’’

A Learner

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