Meet Yakubu Samuel, The Man who Invented Salt and water Powered Torchlight in Nigeria

Meet Yakubu Samuel, The Man who Invented Salt and water Powered Torchlight in Nigeria

Meet Yakubu Samuel, The Man who Invented Salt and water Powered Torchlight in Nigeria

Ghazali Ibrahim

Innovation knows no bounds and Samuel, a brilliant inventor from the northern part of Nigeria, has proven that with the power of green energy in his groundbreaking creation— a lantern powered by water and salt.

Samuel, whose idea was inspired by a dream, has emerged as a beacon of ingenuity with his remarkable invention, poised to revolutionize the way we approach energy consumption and sustainability.

With a vision fueled by a desire to address environmental concerns and provide practical solutions to everyday challenges, Samuel embarked on a journey of experimentation and discovery when he got sponsored by a private firm in China

Through tireless research and experimentation, he succeeded in harnessing the power of water and salt to illuminate the darkness.

The torchlight operates on a simple yet ingenious principle: a practical illustration was shown to the world at Dunamis church in Abuja.

This electricity is then channeled to power the LED bulbs within the lantern, producing a bright and reliable source of illumination.

As Samuel’s invention gains recognition and acclaim through his launching at Dunamis church, he claimed committed to further refining his creation and exploring additional applications for his groundbreaking technology.


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