“Lagos State University is an amazing brand. LASU is a fantastic brand. Right now, everybody wants to associate with Lagos State University, simply, because there is Peace. LASU has always shown excellence, but, the challenges of the past denied the institution, even, TETFUND.”
These were the words of the Vice Chancellor, Professor Olanrewaju Fagbohun as he received the team of panellists that put together the “DREAM BIG, TAKE ACTION & CHANGE THE WORLD” career talk for LASU students in his office after the well-attended, thought provoking and insightful event on Wednesday, 8th June, 2017.
Speaking further, the LASU Numero uno stated that in the past, image of the University was a problem, but, the narrative has changed today to an institution blazing the trail, in the news for all the right reasons and on the path of glory. He added that the modest achievements were not his own, but, a collective responsibility by all, including the Governing Council, Senate, Management, Staff, Workers’ Unions, Students’ Union and the entire Students.
“It is all about inclusive governance and robust engagement to deepen the frontiers of academic excellence as well as service delivery. We can disagree, to agree, but, must not allow it degenerate”, he stated. The Vice Chancellor referring to himself, said one man cannot do it all, adding that everybody, non-teaching, teaching staff and the students must close ranks and always work for the growth of the institution. He thanked the team and requested that the career talk must continue.
One of the panellists, Hon. Victor Akande, Lagos State House of Assembly, showered encomiums on the Vice Chancellor, appreciating his openness, as well as accessibility. He thanked Professor Fagbohun for the massive turn-around of the fortunes of the University. He commended the staff for the tremendous support.
The leader of the career talk team, the President, Nigerian American Coalition and Director, Centre for International Career Engagement, U.S.A., Femi Yekini expressed his delight by coming to give back to the University in form of career talk “Dream Big, take action and change the world”. “The conversation and discussion must continue. Through LASU, Africa can produce the first black that will step on the space”. He thanked the Vice Chancellor for the opportunity to give-back.
Another panellist, Magistrate McDavies Amuse, Lagos State Magistrate High Court remarked that he was pleased and happy with the students of the University. Furthermore, he explained that LASU graduates are doing great in their various fields of endeavour. “The society and the world are appreciative of what LASU Students are doing. Please, keep it up”, Magistrate Amuse added.
For Joseph Opute, Deputy Head, Ade Adeoye and Co. Chambers, he was excited coming back to LASU and the fantastic opportunity of interacting with the Vice Chancellor. Turning to the President, LASUSU, Samuel Kappo, he said “let it resolute, the Alumni will support good leadership for LASUSU. “The right people of good character should succeed you. Do not allow charlatans, and the Alumni will work with you”, he advised.
Samuel Kappo thanked the team for deeming it fit to give back to LASU through the career talk. He appreciated the State Government support for LASU and University Management. He implored the students to do everything to project the University in positive light.
We are LASU, We are proud!