Lagos FA crisis intensifies, Fouad Oki impeached, 36 Lion boss, Gafar in

Lagos FA crisis intensifies, Fouad Oki impeached, 36 Lion boss, Gafar in

Lagos FA crisis intensifies, Fouad Oki impeached, 36 Lion boss, Gafar in

The crisis rocking the Lagos State Football Association has reached its crescendo as the embattled Chairman, Ogboni Fouad Oki was moments ago impeached.

BlackBox Nigeria learnt that the impeachment came as the high point of the extraordinary general meeting of the association today, March 23 as the board passed a vote of no confidence on the chairman who has spent barely one year in office.
Oki was impeached by 12 of the 14 members of the board.

The vice chairman, Liameed Gafar has however been elected immediately by the board.

The crisis in the association began barely weeks into the administration of Oki which led to a fisticuffs with Mr. Gafar in October. Okomis reported to have slapped Gafar who had challenged his style of leadership.

BlackBox Nigeria further gathered that amongst other allegations levelled on Mr. Oki, he was alleged of high-handedness and corruption.
He is also accused to have illegally withdrew N40 million of association funds without due process.
Oki who is a grassroots politician and top member of the ruling All Progressive Peoples Congress is also accused to have gone against FIFA statutes when he dragged the association to the Lagos State High Court, an action which is against football practice.

1st Vice President of the Nigerian Football Association, Felix Anyansi-Agwu led top officials to witness the congress in what appears to have made all decisions taken validated by the central body.
Also at the assembly was Waidi Akanni; ex-international and former Chairman of the Lagos FA and Anthony Adeyinka Adeboye who is the Special Assistant to the Minister of Sports on Grassroots Sports Development.


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