#JusticeForSholape: Killer lover sentenced to death

The Airman who killed his lover months ago has been sentenced to death
According to reports reaching BlackBox Nigeria, Airman Kalu Bernard has been sentenced to death by hanging for killing his lover, Sholape Oladipupo earlier this year.
21-year-old Kalu, a jealous lover had shot the deceased who is also known as Shomzy Shomzy to death on March 12, 2017. He killed her on suspicion that she was going to leave him for someone else.
The Judge Advocate, Flight Lieutenant M.A. Umoh, listed the eight-count charges against Kalu which include murder, house breaking, impersonation, attempted murder, among others in a 70 page court findings.
The court President, Group. Capt. Elisha Bindul found the accused guilty in six out of the eight counts and sentenced him to death by hanging, subject to the confirmation of the conveying authority.