Five ways to deal with pressure as a student

Five ways to deal with pressure as a student

Elsie Udoh

Well, like a dream, it happened. I got admitted to study mass communication at Lagos State University after losing hope of gaining admission. My excitement was unmatched!

My first year was a walkover. No better words can describe it other than, simple and sweet. University life wasn’t so difficult, I thought but that thinking changed drastically in the first week of my second year.

Talking about back-to-back assignments, to series of spot tests and funds-draining projects. Nothing made sense other than giving up until a friend of mine exposed me to his five secrets of how not to crumble even under intense pressure which I’m about to share with you now.

1. Expect the unexpected. This serves as a form of heads up and keeps your mind in check when the unexpected eventually occurs.

2. Focus on the things you can control. The best way to do that is by reading ahead.

3. Praise yourself for small wins. You aced a test, tremendous. You completed an assignment before the deadline, you are truly unbeatable! However, don’t praise yourself to the extent where you feel overly comfortable, strive to keep making progress.

4. Don’t move too fast. Even when the pressure heightens, slow down. Take it one step at a time. Give yourself breathing space.

5. Talk to people that can relate to what you are facing. It can be a lecturer, coursemate, or well-meaning friend. They will help you see that you are not alone and that you have people rooting for you.

Pressures can make a person crumble if not careful. You might end up disorganised or worse still, mentally drained. Hence, take strong note of the steps above, implement them and you will, to a large extent, cope successfully under pressure.


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