Finding PEACE: Mental Resilience of Mohbad – A Rising Music Legend By Lateefat Odunuga

Finding PEACE: Mental Resilience of Mohbad – A Rising Music Legend By Lateefat Odunuga


In the vibrant world of Nigerian entertainment, Mohbad’s story stands as a testament to resilience in the face of adversity.

His recent passing has cast a spotlight on the dark underbelly of the industry, where artists sometimes grapple with illicit drug use, fame’s seductive allure, and the enigmatic world of occultic groups.

Behind the glitz and glamor often lies a harsh reality.

Mohbad, like many artists, faced intense bullying, harassment, and scrutiny within the entertainment industry.

The pressures of conforming to industry norms can be relentless, taking a toll on mental well-being.

Some other artists resort to illicit drug use as a coping mechanism for the pressures they face.

Intriguingly, some artists are drawn into occultic groups in search of success and protection.

Mohbad’s story reminds us of the complex choices artists must make when faced with such enigmatic offers.

Mohbad’s journey was a testament to his extraordinary mental fortitude.

In many of his songs, he described himself as a carpenter and omo ghetto – who carved a niche for himself as an artist who not only survived but thrived.

He spoke out about his struggles in his music, and his resilience has turned into a beacon of hope for others facing similar challenges.

A signee to the Mavin record, Korede Bello best known for singing “Godwin” had something instructive to say about the mental health of his colleagues on Twitter a few days ago, he wrote “People don’t understand how hard it is to stay sane in a seemingly crazy industry.

It’s even harder when you choose to stay clean. So if you want to help an artiste stay alive, contribute to their mental health, support them while they’re still here with whatever you have, even if all you have are your kind words.

You may not love their art, but you can choose to love the soul of the artist in the human being.”

What makes this tragedy more heart-wrenching is that Mohbad had spoken out about his struggles after many videos had surfaced online where he was crying for help.

But, sadly, his cries were ignored and dismissed until he passed.

Mental health issues don’t discriminate and are universal.

Of course, the entertainment industry is no exception.

The constant spotlight can magnify these issues, making it even harder for artists to seek help due to the stigma that still surrounds mental health in many parts of society.

Mohbad’s legacy underscores the urgent need for the Nigerian music industry to address these issues.

We must prioritize mental health support in the entertainment industry, tackle the allure of drugs, and shed light on the hidden world of occultic groups.

Artists should be able to express their vulnerabilities without fear, knowing that they will be met with empathy and support.

In this moment of reflection, we extend our heartfelt condolences to Mohbad’s family, friends, fans, and all those affected by his passing.

As we celebrate the life and artistry of Mohbad, let us honor his memory by fostering an industry that not only recognizes but celebrates the mental resilience of artists.

An industry that nurtures the well-being of artists even in their darkest moments or navigating the shadows while pursuing their dreams.

May his soul rest in PEACE, and may his story inspire positive change within the Nigerian entertainment industry.

Lateefat wrote from the United States of America


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