I Fear No Man, Lagos Businessman Babatunde Gbadamosi Says As He Gets DSS “Invitation”

I Fear No Man, Lagos Businessman Babatunde Gbadamosi Says As He Gets DSS “Invitation”

Like all other recent clampdown on perceived anti-government commentators, men of Nigerian secret Police, DSS yesterday invaded the home of popular businessman, Babatunde Olalere Gbadamosi to invite him to their Lagos office.

The DSS operatives numbering six and who had no warrant of arrest verbally invited the former gubernatorial candidate of Lagos State to their Shangisa office.

BOG who is known for his anti APC stance took to Facebook to share the revelation as he made to honour the invitation.

The struggle to free Nigeria from the clutches of tyranny and corruption must continue, with or without me“, he said while declaring that he already “packed a day-bag, just in case they decide to add me to the exclusive club of detained opposition voices.

Babatunde Olalere Gbadamosi, a member of the popular Gbadamosi family in Ikorodu is the owner of the prestigious Amen Estate where the officers served him the notice of invitation.

A Learner

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