Exploring China’s Media Revolution: Toyeeb Olukorede Olayinka’s Perspective

Exploring China’s Media Revolution: Toyeeb Olukorede Olayinka’s Perspective


A fortnight ago, I attended a Seminar organized by the Research and Training Institute of the National Radio and Television Administration, NRTA, in the People’s Republic of China.

The theme “Short Video Creation and Communication in Developing Countries” proved to be an eye-opening experience beyond my wildest imagination.

It was a beehive of activities buzzed with the energy of mutual learning, consensus building, and experiential growth.

Amongst the 32 delegates from 13 countries around the world, I proudly represented Nigeria to witness firsthand, the cultural and infrastructure development of the People’s Republic of China.

China’s prowess in media technology left me in awe, especially with the use of Constructive Journalism, also known as Solution Journalism, to not only gatekeep negative stories but also to suggest solutions and hold the government accountable.

One of the highlights of the seminar was delving into the world of short video creation, content development, IP development, Professional Generated Content (PGC), User Generated Content (UGC), and Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC).

The seminar left a lasting impression, with the discovery and exploration, from visiting China’s hi-tech media companies like CCTV+ (Video News Agency) CCTV.com, and Joy Media to experiencing the grandeur of the Great Wall and the serenity of the Temple of Heaven.

The journey also took me to Hangzhou, where I marveled at the Asian Games Museum and the esteemed Zhejiang University founded in 1859.

The villages of Funghung and Menin, which embody the modernity of developed cities, provided a unique perspective on the country’s progress.

And not forgetting the mesmerizing Wasu, a media technology company that showcased cutting-edge advancements in the industry.

Kuaishou Kuaishou – a leading content-providing media company in China which boasts of 16, 000 staff was another wonderment in my estimation.

As a lifelong learner, I cherished every opportunity to grow and enrich my knowledge during this journey.

I learned the importance of prioritizing hard work, punctuality, self-discipline, public discipline, exercise, simplicity, and contentment.

Above all, I developed a deep sense of patriotism, inspired by China’s unwavering devotion to the welfare of its citizens and its remarkable achievements in infrastructure development.

China’s governance, despite not practicing traditional democracy is exemplary. Their unified language, even at the expense of foreigners, played a pivotal role in their ‘miraculous’ development.

I am indebted to my principal and our symbol, Rep. Babajimi Benson, and his wife, Mrs. Olajumoke Benson for creating the platform and facilitating this invaluable experience.

I am also grateful to my boss, Mayor Deen Sanwoola, whose constructive criticism has continued to serve as an impetus for personal development.

And to Pastor Adebayo Oteju, whose consistent motivation pushes me to strive for excellence, I extend my heartfelt appreciation.

Finally, I say xie xie to all iCare members for their love and support at all times.


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