Cruel Attack: 24-Year-Old Man Brutally Murdered in Southwest Nigeria Home Invasion

Cruel Attack: 24-Year-Old Man Brutally Murdered in Southwest Nigeria Home Invasion

By Muminat Ajide


A yet-to-be-identified 12-man gang has brutally murdered a 24-year-old man named Abass Olalere in Labinkulu community, Moniya area of Akinyele Local Government Area, Oyo State.

According to Vanguard, the gang attacked the home of the deceased on Saturday around 9:48pm. They butchered him to death in front of his wife and their three-month-old son.

When Vanguard visited the area, the community was tense, with people gathering in groups to discuss the tragic incident.

The deceased’s wife, Omolayo Olalere, recounted the horrifying ordeal to newsmen, saying, “We were together outside around 9:48pm when they suddenly invaded our house. I don’t know them, and my late husband had no disputes with anyone before he died.

“When they entered, we quickly rushed inside the house and locked everywhere, but they broke down the door and smashed our windows to gain entry.

“Before they gained access, one of my co-wives who was outside was brutally beaten and almost killed. Once inside, they ordered my husband to lie down on the table in the living room and cooperate with them.

“As he complied, they began using various weapons such as daggers, axes, knives, broken bottles, and cutlasses to attack him, along with charms to ensure he didn’t survive.

“They numbered 12 in total, with three of them wearing masks to conceal their identities.

“After they left, we rushed him to Cureland Hospital in Moniya, from where he was later referred elsewhere. Unfortunately, he passed away yesterday. The case has been reported to the Divisional Police Station in Moniya.”

Additionally, the deceased’s father, Jelili Olalere, expressed bewilderment over the incident, describing his son as a quiet person.

“I was shocked because my son is a quiet person. I don’t know what could have provoked those individuals to invade my house, destroy many things, and ultimately kill him.

“They broke my doors and windows, and damaged all our Plasma Televisions. They used charms and other dangerous weapons during the attack before leaving. We have reported the matter to the police at Moniya Divisional Police Station.”

Olalere added that his son’s body has been deposited at Adeoyo Hospital morgue, Ring Road, Ibadan.


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