Charly Boy Brand Will Never Endorse Biafra- Area Fada, Says Actualisation Will Only Increase Suffering

Charly Boy Brand Will Never Endorse Biafra- Area Fada, Says Actualisation Will Only Increase Suffering

Charly Boy Brand Will Never Endorse Biafra- Area Fada, Says Actualisation Will Only Increase Suffering


Ace musician turn activist, Charles Oputa of the Charly Boy brand has revealed that he will not endorse the agitation for a Biafra as it will only increase the suffering. He stated that he only agrees with the struggle as it also wants to bring an end to the marginalisation of the people who are being led by few group of cabals.

In an open letter addressed to the agitators, Charly Boy revealed that he believes in the unity if Nigeria despite him being labelled different names by his fellow Igbo men because he doesn’t believe in the separation plan. See his letter below…


Letter To Fellow Biafrans: I know some of my Igbo brothers and sisters are not happy with me simply because I have not used My Brand as CharlyBoy to advocate for the clamour of The Biafran state.

However, like I always say, there is more than one way to achieve a purpose. Though I may disagree with my Igbo brothers and sisters on the choice of rhetorics and methodology, our objectives are to a large extent identical because we all want to bring an end to the marginalisation of the common peoples, by the evil cabals who are holding Nigeria to a ransom and getting away with their obnoxious impunity and criminality.

Those who truly know and have followed me know that I am not a Group soul and I have always dared to follow the path least travelled in the continuous struggle to add value to my environment.

It is indeed laughable that despite being a native chicken, Nwa afo, son of Biafran soil with a full-blown Igbotic blood, I have been persistently labelled a wannabe Yoruba, Hausa, Tiv and an Ijaw man simply because I have consistently maintained that I believe in the unity of Nigeria.

To start with, I go like tell una sey you may not be totally wrong if you call me the man from all tribes in Nigeria. This is because I believe in the oneness of all Nigerian peoples. I believe that we have gotten to a point in our national history where a Yoruba man cannot live in isolation of an Igbo man. Likewise, an Ijaw man cannot live in isolation of a Hausa/Fulani man. All tribes in Nigeria today have become a mat of interwoven fibres that cannot be segregated. There have so far been intertribal marriages, intertribal business ownership, and intertribal partnership; and countless other intertribal collaborations and relationships in Nigeria.

For this reason, my question to those agitating for secession would be that if each tribe decide to secede from Nigeria today, what then would happen? Who would lead the new nations?

A Learner

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