Breaking To Heal: 5th Year Letter To My Son In The Year 2020 By Sulaimon Mojeed-Sanni

Dear Ubuntu,
It is great writing to you again, though it seems like just four months ago because, since the last time we shared this space, the world had barely lived for itself. We have been in and out of a rat race with a ravaging coronavirus so determined to wipe us all out but we give adoration to the most beneficent who finds us worthy to share this space again.
Dear Son, 2020 has taught us many things most importantly that we are spineless mortals in God’s revolution. Before our own very eyes, every material thing we hold dear became inconsequential and the wealthy’s wealth could not even keep them alive. From an invisible virus, we holed up, held our breath and became so visibly aware of everything and everyone.
Amidst this, our humanity also came to bare and we realized how unsecured we actually were. We began to see value in little, shared the little we had and see little in the wealth we have amassed. In all, the last eight months of living has taught us to take life as it comes, ensure we put in our best and remember not all best plans turn out best because there are often circumstances that subvert best intentions.
Dear Adesola, every day we snatch life from the jaws of death, do know that life is an embodiment of war with little battles and you are an actor in the theatre of unending war, losing the battles isn’t the aim, winning the war is the goal. Son, never ever lose your guard. Remember that every day we live in constant hope, counting on chances and luck to pull through another day. Life is short, just live it.
My son, distance yourself from worrying or things that would make you worry, because to worry is to put yourself at the most disadvantaged position, worry is the most useless of human endeavour, it produces nothing other than worry and pain.
Remember, the world’s noise is not something so much to count on, at a time you may be considered flawless and in a minute you may be a rag in a person’s face, if you build your life on the noise and praise-singing, you will end up being consumed by the noise.
Dear Ubuntu, avoid the need to ’shalaye’, live your life or the netizens will drag you like a ‘Tiger generator’. Listen to the words of my mouth, I am your father, I have seen things!
Dear Muqsit, the wheel of justice may be slow but they do turn, son, never take the laws into your own hands. Never be pressured into taking the law for a fool, never aim to subvert the law because the law is an ass, it will kick you when you least expected.
Son, in the beginning of the month that you turned five, you did the expected, you broke your arm, what I didn’t expect however is the street credibility I have gathered over the years. When the people who lived around us saw that you had fractured your arm, they came to the rescue,” your father is a good man” they said. I never knew I am a good man, I just lived life the way I understood it. Happy your hand healed, it tells you no growth comes without its breaking time, when you come of age and you read through this piece, remember to be good to yourself, in doing that you will be good to others because are UBUNTU.
Happy Birthday Son, my own wife, MJ of Life sends her love, assistant birthday boy, Muqeet shares in the love, Noah, Rahman and Faruq send their regards.
With unending love, SM-S.
Sulaimon Mojeed-Sanni SM-S is the Publisher of BlackBox Nigeria, CEO of BBN360 Media Nigeria Limited. He writes from Lagos and tweets via @Omomojeed.