Sustaining political momentum over the years have always been a huge task for politicians, not because they don’t wish to but due to insatiable demands foisted upon them and dwindling resources often available at their disposal. In the last two years, I have seen at close quarters, the burden of responsibilities politicians shouldered even at the discomfort of their immediate family, interest, close associates and aides, particular for those politicians who choose to be responsible.

My Boss fortunately falls amongst the responsible ones, in my own mild estimation. Every now and then, he wears his calm and calculated looks, at times making it a bit difficult to read his mind; nevertheless, his every day thought and gaze is always centered on getting something done in Ikorodu Federal constituency. For him, he prefers to allow his actions speak for itself. It was from him I learnt the true meaning of,”under promise, over perform.” In everything he is involved at the House of Representatives; his subconscious target is Ikorodu Division and Lagos State which often reflects in his engagement of issues.
Like the fictional British Secret Service agent – James Bond, My Boss, is meticulous, a smart dresser and has a penchant for delivering on given assignment without raising unnecessary attention. However, unlike the British James Bond, My Boss is real not fictional. He is a complete gentleman redefining the way our people should be represented. To him, is holding a political position comes with a clear mandate to bring governance close to the people, represent their views and opinions and make Ikorodu relevant in the scheme of things, thus, his innovative approach and open policy. He is one person who gives so much of himself that one wonders how he survives.
Even though, there are lots of miles to cover, My Boss strides with caution and determination, he knows what his people wants, respects their wishes and believes he holds their mandate in trust. My Boss is Babajimi Adegoke Benson (JB), and today is his Birthday.
Wishing you more giant strides, our people’s continued trust and God’s benevolence Boss!
Be Safe.
Sulaimon Mojeed-Sanni( SM-S)