By Durojaiye Akeem Olalekan
To the majority, this sit-at-home is the first in many years to stay off the usual daily hustle even weekends were not exempted.
As much as the directive is to protect and curtail the spread of COVID19, the sudden involuntary restriction may come with its own challenges as many people detest staying idle. Hence, I advise that you follow religiously, all guidelines already articulated by those verified official government channels, and also share with you 7 things you can engage in within the confines of your apartment. Check these out
1. Read books
2. Increased Communication with family
Family is one of the best things in our lives, yet we often show little or no interest in them because we assume they would understand. It was not deliberate though.
We have allowed work related stress and other social burdens that came with capitalism to consume us, we listen less and talk less nowadays with what we love. This period gives you the opportunity to nurture and fill the vacuum.
Do family situation reviews through more individual and group talking and listening. Play games together and Eat together to create a lasting bond.
3. Do online Courses/Classes
The world is a global village and knowledge is universal. You can take the opportunities abound in the virtual space to develop yourself and increase your capacity and employability rating.
Self development is the only viable unique selling point in the market. There are a lot of free online platforms where you can enroll and start a course free, such as, LinkedIn, coursera, udemy, edX, Khan academy etc.
4. Write a book
Many people have been procrastinating when to write a book or new one but always catch in the Web of time and space. You can leverage on the sit-at-home directive to put something awesome down and give us a new insight.
5. Learn need cooking techniques
Cooking this time should be adventurous and titillating. This is time to spice up your cooking skills and method. You can experiment delicacies from different tribes and continents. Also, feel free to include cooking competition to make it fun and remember to eat healthy.
6. Conceptualise New ideas and creative work.
You can use the spear time to develop a business plan and model you have been wanting to do. Write the business plan and if you have one, give it a wonderful final touch. You can as well, start making contacts one will do what.
Those with creative minds can use the time to write songs and videos, do painting and many other things. You have the market now available online. Do daily live streaming shows and comedy for people. This might be your own time to hit it big.
7. Increase your connection with God
This time is good to work on your relationship with your creator.
Read your religious book and internalise the message. Re-evaluate your existence and reflect on whether you’re fulfilling your purpose on earth. Life is too short to forget the Hereafter.
For me, the purpose of my existence is to serve Allah. What about you?
Be safe.
Durojaiye, Akeem Olalekan