15 Things To Know About Late Namibian President

15 Things To Know About Late Namibian President

Fawaz Adebisi 

As Namibia goes into mourning following the death of her President, BlackBox Nigeria brings your 15 facts you probably don’t know about the late southern African leader…

1. Early Life and Education

Born on August 3, 1941, in Otjiwarongo, Namibia, Hage Geingob’s educational path led him to pursue a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom.

2. Anti-Apartheid Activism

Geingob was not just a politician; he was an activist. His involvement in the anti-apartheid movement shaped his convictions and fueled his fight for Namibia’s independence.

3. Founding Member of SWAPO

As a founding member of the South West Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO), Geingob played a pivotal role in the struggle against colonial rule. His unwavering commitment to justice resonated with Namibians.

4. Years in Exile

During the darkest days of Namibia’s fight for freedom, Geingob spent years in exile, advocating for the rights of his people. His voice echoed across borders, urging the world to recognize Namibia’s sovereignty.

5. Prime Minister and Presidential Terms

In 1990, after Namibia gained independence, Geingob became the country’s first Prime Minister.

His leadership laid the foundation for a united and prosperous Namibia. Later, in 2015, he assumed the presidency, embarking on a transformative journey.

6. Battle with Cancer

Last month, Geingob revealed his battle with cancer, a personal struggle that he faced with courage and transparency. His vulnerability endeared him to the nation.

7. Family Support

Beside him stood Madame Monica Geingos, his wife, and their children. Their unwavering support during his illness exemplified the strength of family bonds.

8. Health Challenges and Resilience

Geingob’s health challenges, including an aortic operation, tested his resilience. Yet, he continued to lead, undeterred by adversity.

9. Survivor of Prostate Cancer

In 2014, he publicly shared that he had survived prostate cancer. His openness inspired others to confront health issues without fear.

10. Diplomatic Relations

Geingob skillfully navigated international relations, fostering ties with various countries and organizations. His diplomacy strengthened Namibia’s global standing.

11. Regional Cooperation

He championed cooperation within Southern Africa and the African Union, recognizing that collective progress transcends borders.

12. Land Reform Advocate

Geingob advocated for land redistribution, addressing historical inequalities and ensuring a fairer future for Namibians.

13. Unity Amid Diversity

His presidency celebrated Namibia’s diverse cultures, emphasizing national unity. Geingob believed that diversity was a source of strength.

14. Legacy

Hage Geingob’s legacy extends beyond political office. It lies in the hearts of Namibians, who remember him as a leader who navigated challenges with grace and unwavering commitment.

15. Education: He pursued his education in South Africa and later earned a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom.


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